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伟大的公司需要伟大的人才. 从人才获取到培训, a master’s in human resources degree provides HR professionals with the advanced skills they need to solve complex people problems and guide companies to meet strategic goals.
随着管理人员变得更加复杂,员工流动率上升, 对高级人力资源技能的需求持续增长. 根据劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据, 目前招聘的人力资源经理职位中有15%要求硕士学位. 这是一个投影.8% increase for all target positions that hold a master’s degree in human resources.
如果你想在人力资源领域有所发展, a master’s degree can lead to high-level positions and boost your earnings potential. However, the value of a master’s degree depends on your personal interests and career goals. 这真的值得你花时间和精力吗?
This guide will answer the top questions about the value of a master’s degree to help you determine if it’s the right fit for your career.
获得硕士学位是一项严肃的事业. 你要确保你所投入的时间是值得的. Determining if a master’s degree can help you reach your career goals is the first step to setting yourself up for success. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址来看看最符合人力资源硕士学位的共同职业目标.
学士学位足以胜任人力资源领域的各种初级职位. However, a master’s degree gives you a competitive advantage when applying for senior level positions in the field. Employers recognize the need for strong leaders with functional expertise in critical areas of HR, 比如劳动法规,多样性和包容性. 如果你在争取升职, an advanced degree helps you meet these qualifications and makes you a more marketable candidate for leadership roles.
而获得硕士学位的前期投资是必要的, 学位的终身价值远远超过了成本. 根据EMSI, the median salary for a management-level position for an HR professional with a bachelor’s degree is $82,800. If you have a master’s in HR, the median salary for a management-level position jumps to $102,100. 虽然你有学士学位可能会获得管理职位, 硕士学位持有者的薪水更高.
As companies place increasing emphasis on human resources as a competitive advantage, 人力资源专业人士在领导层中获得了更大的席位. As an HR leader, you have tremendous influence when it comes to making key decisions about the future of the company. 一个高级学位将装备你有效地推进组织目标, 同时倡导员工权益,提升公司文化.
虽然获得硕士学位有很多好处, 也许在某些情况下,它并不适合你. 在开始一项计划之前,一定要问自己这些问题.
The skills you obtain in a master’s program are significantly different from an undergraduate degree. While bachelor’s programs cover the fundamental knowledge needed to perform basic job functions, 硕士课程侧重于应用知识. 你将培养批判性思维, leadership and interpersonal skills needed to solve the complex problems facing organizations.
Completing a master’s in human resources degree requires a serious investment of time and energy. 课程包括劳动、经济、金融和商业法等科目. You’ll be expected to apply rigorous quantitative thinking to help businesses develop strategic approaches to people management.
Typical program requirements range from 45 to 60 credits and can take full-time students 18 months to two years to complete. 找到合适的程序是使这个过程更易于管理的关键.
Look for a program that offers unique benefits to help accelerate your time to graduation.
获得人力资源硕士学位是一项重大承诺, but it’s absolutely worth it if your goal is to position yourself to solve the complex problems at the forefront of human resources. 找到合适的课程可以让你比想象中更容易获得学位.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供灵活的 M.S. 人力资源管理 程序建立为工作的专业人士. 课程由具有深厚人力资源专业知识的教师授课. You’ll be equipped with the leadership and communication skills necessary to solve real-world challenges you face as an organizational leader. mg不朽情缘试玩的课程可以在短短16个月内完成.
探索mg不朽情缘试玩的 M.S. 人力资源管理 看看它将如何帮助你实现你的职业目标.